Sunday 13 March 2011

At the airport

Well we have made it safely to the Detroit airport and are hanging about playing games and shoving food into our faces.
Several of us were thrlled to realize it was sunday and therefore technicaly not Lent let the gluttony begin.

Actually some of the gluttony began before we even left goderich.
As the men loaded the last of the luggage the girls were passing around licorice and chips!Colin s carload of grade 11-12 had an animated high decibel trip,the boys in the truck were fascinated with cars and buildings, and theyoungest group of girls slept mostlof the way...except for Christine who had taken a long nap and HD the energy to talk the entire way (and I never heard her take abreath!) shecertainly helped keep me eantertained and alert!

We sailed thru the border with no problem and were settled atthe hotel by 11.I did mebest th frighten them with the dangers ofkidnappings and safety in numbers ,it was enjoyable for mr and hopefully have traumatized
them enough that they will stick together!

My mom and sister Peggy joined us for breakfast at the hotel which had the waitressco
commenting what a polite group of teens we had. Our team meeting before we leftfor the airport was joined by my bilingual in Spanish sister Lisa and niece Dyanni. Lisa e
impressed them all by explaining in two lNguages the dangers of travel in central America so I think the lesson in abject terror was successful!
Seriously I think we are good to go with four first time flyers there is some terror but not too bad yet
check in was almost a disaster as the computer was charging us for our extra donated bags but fortunately barb had photocopied our exception to charges and 45 painful minutes lAter we all had a. Boarding pass . Wemanaged to get all our bionic travelers through the securit check points even though we set off all the medal detectors
high point of the day so far was meeting on our shuttle bus the bridge builder who happily played "opposite day" with us and taught us "in up over and down"

well I am going bling trying to type on Colin s handheld thingand we are about to board.all is well all is good especially Lisa s homemade cina
mon buns!

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