Sunday 13 March 2011

we are here

We made it! It is late we are exhausted and elated and really smelly. I am still the Big Cheese although there are some votes to rename me Boss Hogg. The first time flyers did great although based on opposite day we all had to comfort poor Paul during each flight! It is a balmy 20 degrees And e ate eagerly anticipAting our beds, more tomorrow but sleep well as all is stellar here


  1. Sunny and milder here Mon AM. All is well...Ben

  2. Glad you all made it OK. Does Paul take after his Godfather in that he gets queazy on planes? Good luck this week! Terrie

  3. Glad all went well. Thanks for keeping us up to date Boss Hogg!

  4. Jenn, Marilyn is emailing Charlie at re payment. If she doesn't here back she will call him after lunch.

  5. message for Don: heifer directly across from the ell,on east row, calved 6 wks. early. She is fine, just want to check that she wasn't treated before boys ship her milk. Ben
    MG, say HI to Charlie for me, luv Dad

  6. your trip is mentioned in our bulletin this past sunday in Goderich..everyone in Goderich very very proud of you all.
    Be safe and enjoy your mission >>GOD Bless you all
    Marg Roosemalen - Goderich St. Peter's...
