Monday 14 March 2011

The No Whine Zone

What a day! The sun rises at 5, businesses and schools begin at 7, so with all the hustle and bustle and one really noisy obnoxios bird, we were all roing out of bed way earlier than you would ever have thought possible,especially with teens!

Our day was spent at two different worksites. Donny and Tony eventually ended up cutting and welding most of the day working on the administration building, while Alex and Tristan did a lot of digging for sceptic systems. Down the road we are working oa the playground for kids.
Lisa,Christine and Mary Gwen are champion mortar mAkers, Jessie Emilie Paul were cinder block patrol, and Sarah , anna and Ashley are expert at filling the cracks as thru build a wall to enclose the area.Paige, Liz and Taylor worked smoothing the steps, Colin was digging and forming,and everone helped sift sand shovel rocks and make cement. I spent most of the morning forcing sunscreen and water into them, as they working in full sun the whole time unless I forced them to take a break under the tarp we erected. They were all keen to work but I told them it was a marathon not a sprint race.

Nobody burnt,but by lunch time what a tired grimy bedraggled bunch they were! Physical labor in the hot sun on lessghan 6 hours s
leep is even harder than it sounds! So I suggested a short siesta before we headed back for the afternoon-which was met with sighs of relief - and after an hour nap everone was ready to go again

The kids have decided to start their own business back home called "Brickin Amazin" and they are all quite pleased and proud of themselves. I must say it is strangely satisfying to have such a " concrete" example of yor work !

The kids quickly decided the word of the day is "sketchy" (yesterdays word was arachnophobia). Sketchy seems to describe the plumbing, the electricity, and the showers! Everyone is amazed by the stunning panorama, the driving of the traffic, and the abundance of fruit. In or compound alone there is fig, orange, lime, papaya, mango, coconut and I forget the names of the other 3 kinds of trees. We have seen some geckos scurrying about, some honkin big bugs that scurry but so far no spiders or Mosquitos. We have decided if none show up we are going to make the mosquito net that sarah brought into a wedding dress because that's what ig looked like when she got herself all tangled up in it last night!

Our prayer meeting tonight went pretty well. Last night we discussed the 3 parts of Lent- alms giving, sacrifice and doing for others. And we decided that we gave our alms to this mission trip and most oh us have given up the ever popular sweets or chips, we are focusing on doing things. Specifically, we are all trying to do at least two good deeds a day, one that might be noticed, and one anonymously. We shared our stories and ideas at our nightly prayer meeting and they all seem quite pleased with themselves. Tomoorow we are making a point to notice and include the " invisible people" the cooks and trana
slaters and mission workers. We have practiced all sorts of phrases in Spanish so tomorrow let the mangling of a foreign language begin!

Well it's just after 9 and most of the kids are heading to bed,exhausted and slightly overheated
No one is complaining about antything though as I have declared CR as aNo Whine Zone. It is extremely effective, because we are responsible for doing all our own dishes here and anyone who complains gets automatic dish detail! So far there have been no infractions, although I am sometimes reminded of the old joke "...this tastes like S---, ...but it's good!"

anyway that's it for now you will have to excuse the typos and rambling,I am blogging on Colins tiny little phone with one finger and going blind trying to read the tiny little words.that is not a complaint of course we are thankful he had it!

Long day ahead tomorrow off to bed!

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