Thursday 10 March 2011

The Clock is Ticking

Well, it's midnight and less than 48 hours until the Adventure begins.

I am surrounded  by stacks : stacks of things to be packed, stacks of laundry to be sorted, stacks of bills to be paid, stacks of "to do" lists to be tackled, stacks of papers and permission slips to be organized...stacks.

(I could use a stack of pancakes, dripping with butter and syrup right about now... but Lent has begun, and comfort food is off the list of things to pack!)

So I sip my water, and survey the ruins of what used to be a semi orderly house (no comments from the cheap seats please)

Two things keep crossing my mind:

 - How on earth do I end up in these situations?

 - Lisa VO this is all your idea/fault, and don't think I don't know it

And just as an added note, I am not actually procrastinating... on one "to do" list was "practice blogging".
FYI apparantly passwords are case sensitive...grrrr, maybe if I remember that next time it won't take me 10 minutes just to log on!

Back to work, I am running out of time!

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