Wednesday 23 March 2011

Home Sweet Home!!!!

Good thing we stayed the night in a hotel last night, we saw all sorts of cars in the ditches/smashed from accidents on the way home that must of been caught in the weather change last night.

We sailed through the border no problem, roads were good until Grand Bend, but we slowly made our way through the slop and we are Home Sweet Home!

Never been so glad to see snow before in my life....!

Congratulations to all the kids for all their awesome work and their stellar attitudes,  thanks to Tony, Donny and Colin for all their help with the group, and thanks again to Father Gary and the parish for all their support.

That's it, i'm off to enjoy a lovely relaxing cup of Costa Rican coffee!


  1. Glad everyone arrived home safely. Kudos to all the chaperones for all your supervision, leadership and patience, and especially to Jennifer for providing an opportunity to these young folk of which they may never have had the chance to experience. I'm sure the trip had a positive infuence on them which they will carry forward in whatever direction they choose. jbm

  2. I agree with Jayne. It was a great opportunity for our kids and we truly appreciate Jenn for heading it up and Tony, Colin and Donny for their willingness to take this on. Also St. Peter's and St.Joseph's and the Kingsbridge community for all their support.
